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Meeting in the Circle

This is a monthly study circle exploring mythology, magic, history and iconography linked to the Goddess Hekate.  You can participate by watching the recordings, or by joining the live sessions on the second Saturday of every month - or a combination of the two!  I am joined most months by other practitioners and scholars who will contribute a class on their work and experience - which makes this is a very broad learning circle.  More resources will be added in the coming months from my personal archive - including material for complete newcomers. 


This is a Patreon supported project - go to Meeting in the Circle. 


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copyright © 2022 Sorita d'Este. 


All photos, blogs and articles on this website is © Sorita d'Este or as credited.  Please seek written permission should you wish to reproduce material on this site in your own publications, including digital / online. 

Here on you will find articles by Sorita d'Este, as well as excerpts from books or other works she has contributed to - some of which will be co-authored with others.  See each blog or article for more information.  This website includes information on Paganism, Wicca / Witchcraft, Polytheism, Gods & Goddesses, Mythology, Folklore, Ancient & Modern Magic and many linked practices and beliefs.   You will also find information on courses, classes, lectures and other events with Sorita d'Este. 

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