Ch.12 Cakes & Wine (WMB 12.c)
Extract from: Wicca: Magical Beginnings written by d’Este & Rankine, 2008 (Avalonia.) PB / Kindle @
Chapter 12 - Cakes And Wine - continued (c)
The Key of Solomon contains a reference to what we now call Cakes & Wine, though it is in the context of offerings rather than the previously discussed Eucharistic form.
“But when we make sacrifices of food and drink, everything necessary should be prepared without the Circle, and the meats should be covered with some fine clean cloth, and also have a clean white cloth spread beneath them; with new bread and sparkling wine.”
The idea of the Cakes & Wine as offerings is also as valid as that of the Eucharist. As already stated, the Egyptians offered food and wine to their gods, and also to their ancestors. This has been a common practice in many cultures around the world throughout history.
Extract from: Wicca: Magical Beginnings written by d’Este & Rankine, 2008 (Avalonia.) PB / Kindle @ Shared here with the intention to inspire and inform the now and future generations interested in Wicca and other Pagan traditions inspired by it.